The Albannach Thistle Leather Cuff

A Custom Leather Armband by Mike Pruette

Albannach (Gàidhlig for “Scottish” or “Scotsman”) is a Scottish band that tours all over the United States. Their music is heavily percussive, driven by bass drums, bodhráns and bagpipes. They have a thriving and fiercely loyal following both online and off. Their ” ‘Nach Army ” is sure to show up for their gigs and fill the crowds. Albannach tattoos, shirts, and bumper stickers typically shine at every event where they perform. The camaraderie amongst their fans is unlike any we’ve ever seen or experienced before. Their deeply primal, energetic music has converted us to Albannach fans ourselves!

This leather armband was commissioned by the band to sell on their merchandise table at events all over the country. It features the band name and a Scottish thistle in honor of Scotland. It has been created in our unique 3-sizes-in-1 style that will fit the majority of potential buyers. This allows you to order the quantity that you’d like without being forced to order multiples sizes. It has 3 sizing holes that will create a 7, 8, or 9 inch bracelet. It can be trimmed to fit on the spot at the event (or by the buyer). Interested in more information about a custom armband for your band, group, or merch table? Take a look at our wholesale inquiries page or fill out the inquiry form at the bottom of this page.

You can purchase one of these custom armbands by contacting Albannach directly at their website or on their vibrant Facebook page. Once you hear Albannach, you’ll never go back!


Albannach Thistle Leather Cuff Gallery

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